Latest Updates
New features. Recently used toolbox.
New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- Recently used toolbox. A toolbox that autofills with the elements that you use most in your diagrams. This toolbox reduces the time you spend navigating the menus.
- Fix bug where in some cases, when adding a link, you would receive an Invalid Parameters message.
- On URL parameters, we are now decoding the value of these. This let's you set the position of the camera pointing to an object named with special characters (like for example, spaces)
New features. Relative position parameters in URLs.
New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- Diagram URLs now accept parameters to define where the camera is positioned when opening a diagram relative to an object.
Next: I'll be working on creating a menu with the most used elements to speed up the creation of the network diagrams, reducing the time spent navigating all the menus
New features. Position parameters in URLs.
New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- Diagram URLs now accept parameters to define where the camera is positioned when opening a diagram.
- URL parameters are updated when camera is moved/rotated.
- Fixed some bugs when processing URLs
New features. Direction on links and flow diagrams.

New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- Flow Diagrams. We've added a group of shapes that can be used to create flow diagrams.
- Links can be configured to show the direction.
- When creating shape groups, now apart of vertex lists, we can use cubes as building blocks for shapes.
- Fixed several bugs on the shape group editor (while using it to create the flow shape group :).
New features added.
New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- Now it's possible to select multiple elements of diagrams and move them together. To do this, hold the key 'Shift' while clicking on multiple elements. For now, only move actions can be applied on multiple elements.
- A new setting has been added to change what is highlighted on mouseover. You can define the depth of connected elements hightlighted.
- Fixed some bugs on l3 diagrams.
New features added.
New features have been added to our network diagrams:
- We have now a description field we can add to the elements of the diagram. This text will be shown on mouse over.
- The name field supports multiline
- It's now possible to attach urls to the elements of the diagram. On rightclick, there URLs will be accessible.
- On mouseover, the element will be highlighted as well as the links coming out of him
- Added also a search field to find elements by name.
- And finally, it is possible to create basic diagrams. This is, non-network diagrams without the L2/L3 distinction. This should let you use NetworkMaps for any kind of diagram.
I will now continue implementing other new exciting features requested by different users. If you can think of features that are needed, let me know.
Server crashed.
I have some bad news. The demo server has crashed and lost all the data on it.
I wasn't able to recover the data from the backups. Last usable backup is too old to consider it as valid. As such, the binding between diagrams and users is lost. I still have a backup of the diagrams. If you can give me with a diagram ID, and a description of what it contains, I can recover it for you. Please contact me at for this procedure.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
OpenID Connect for authentication and SSO
NetworkMaps can now be integrated with your IAM solution using OpenID Connect.
Custom textures for floors.

Upload your own images as textures and use them as textures for the floors of your diagrams.
If you set Texture U and Texture V to 0 in a floor, the texture will not be repeated on a floor. Instead, it will cover the whole floor. This is usefull for example, on the diagram of the right where we want a texture to be applied to the whole of the floor without it repeating itself.
Now it's possible to export diagrams from the tool to a json file as well as import those json files into networkmaps
Some minor improvements.
Changed the way camera rotation works. Now when rotating the camera, if you click on any element in the diagram, the camera will rotate around it.
Added the configuration option server -> use_client and staticserver -> use_client. When set to "true" on the config file, they will make the browser to use whatever url typed the user to access networkmaps resources.
3D Shape Editor

The 3D shape editor is finished. Now it's possible to create your own groups of shapes (Shape Groups), and use them in your diagrams
Try it now and let me know what you think about it. This is the first version and there are a lot of possible improvements.
Developer Update
I've finished the first part of creating a 3D icon editor. This is adding the concept of shape groups. A shape group is a collection of shapes that you can use on your diagram. For example, the current built in shape groups that by default are added to your diagrams are 'basic shapes', 'networking', 'servers', 'clients', 'security'. Inside 'networking' shape group, you have shapes for routers, switches, ...
So, now it's possible to add/remove what shape groups can be used on your diagrams.
We still haven't added an interface to create or add new shape groups to the system. This will come on next release. I hope this will be done soon :)
Next feature under development
After receiving several requests, we have decided to change what we are working on. We will start preparing a 3D icon editor as well as the posibility of importing and exporting groups of icons into your diagrams.
How long it will take? Maybe 4-8 weeks?
BGP Peering and more.

On L3 diagrams, now it's possible to add BGP peering information. For that:
- First configure VRF ASN and router ID using the configuration tool.
- Add bgp peerings using the menu "New -> "Routing" -> "BGPPeer" and then connect two vrfs.
- Based on the type of connectivity between the two VRFs and the interface configurations of these, one type of BGP Peering will be added (asns, family, ips, ebgp/ibgp, ... .
- The appearance and settings of the bgp peering can then be modified with the "Move", "Settings" or "Config" tools.
Other added features:
- Loopback interfaces have been moved to L3 diagrams (on VRF configuration).
- Default colors of elements have been updated.
- 3D camera aspect has been changed.
- Several bug fixes and UI improvements.
- Openconfig.
- Additional UI improvements (size of elements, quick access menu, ...).
Link Sharing
Now it is possible to shre your network diagrams with everyone. If shared, anyone with the link will have read only access to your diagram.
Next: I'll start working on adding routing protocol support to the diagrams and some requests made by a few users.
LDAP Support
Now, LDAP authentication is supported:
- Users can authenticate to an LDAP server.
- Access to NetworkMaps can be restricted by group membership.
- LDAP and LDAPS supported.
Next: share diagrams with the world and BGP support on L3 diagrams. Later, openconfig generation.
User Model Improvements
I've updated the user model adding the following options:
- Now, it is possible to restrict which users can register and create an account based on their domain. So, we can define a list of domains allowed to register.
- We have also added on the config file the option of disabling auto registration. If enabled, users will not be able to self-register and an admin user will have to add them. So, how do we register users?
- Added an admin endpoint to manage users. On this endpoint, we can create, delete, reset passwords, manage diagrams, ... I've also added a library to interact with this endpoint: networkmapsadminlib.js
- Added a cli tool to use the admin endpoint (with the admin library): nm_admin_cli.js
- Improve the GUI when accessing RO diagrams. Now you will not see any menu to make changes.
Next: I'm already working on LDAP support and sharing diagrams with "anyone with the link".
On mouse over, the tool now will show the network information related to an element. So:
- Devices show vrfs, vlans, svi interfaces and loopbacks
- Links show who are the two ends, and how they are configured (list of vlans, ...)
- Interfaces show their IP addresses configured
- VRFs show interfaces with ip addresses
I've also moved ip address information from links to interfaces as it makes more sense to store this info on L3 diagrams.
API and Library.
I've update all Networkmaps websockets calls so they are usable programatically. Now they work as an API. Briefly explained:
- All calls have to be done using websockets. This is the same way the web client works and helps in keeping updated both mechanisms
- There are two endpoints:
- /user: used to create, list, share or delete diagrams
- /diagram/<diagram uuid>: used to edit a specific diagram. add, remove, move, ... elements
I've also created a library in javascript that makes use of this API. This is the file: networkmapslib.js. For now and while I update the documentation,
you can use this library to automate your network diagrams.
Vertical Move.
Now it's possible to move devices, l2segments and vrfs vertically. This will allow you to make use of all the 3D space in your network diagrams.
New arrows.
What is a network diagram without a few arrows pointing on the direction of the flows, or signaling bgp peers or vrrp?
So, now you can add arrows to your 3D network diagrams!!! You'll find them on the new symbols menu
I've also added a vertical move button. This currently works only with symbols but soon you will be able to make your routers fly!!!
Finished L3 diagrams base functions and formating.
2019/09/02 19:38 UTC
Finally, I have all the basic functions on l3 diagrams. The missing functions that have been added:
- Add joints to l2links and interfaces (normal, p2p and svi).
- Add settings to vrf, l2 segments, l2 links and interfaces.
Now it's also possible to copy and paste the format of elements as well as use the copied format.
when creating new elements. For example:
when creating new elements. For example:
- Copy the format of a device and paste it's colors into other devices.
- Copy color, width and height of links and paste these settings into other links or interfaces.
- Same for text boxes, copy background, color and border settings and paste these settings on others.
New textboxes.
These are the latest changes I've added to the tool:
- Improved textboxes. Now, textboxes can have borders, backgrounds, internal rotation of texts, colors and shapes.
- A few more bugs related to setup and configuration files.
L3 network diagrams and new floors with transparencies.

These are the latest changes I've added to the tool:
- L3 diagrams:
- Elements (vrfs and l2 segments) can now be rotated and scaled.
- New floors can be added and configured.
- Text and symbols can be added and modified.
- Floors: added a new set of textures including grids with transparency.
- Floors: added opacity field. You can now make a floor semi-transparent.
- Background: the color of the background can now be changed ("settings" tool and then click on the background)
- Support for Microsoft Edge. This browser was not working before.
- A few more bugs related to setup and configuration files.
Support for tablets or phones (touch devices).
Now, diagrams should be accessible and editable from phones or tablets!!!
Auto generated L3 diagrams.

We finally have our auto generated L3 network diagrams.
These diagrams are automatically generated from our L2 diagrams based on the devices, links and the configuration of each one of these:
- Vlan List
- Layer2 (switch ports) and layer3 (router ports) information added to links.
- Layer 3 elements can be moved but not rotated or scaled.
- Add new floors, text or symbols to L3 diagrams.
- Access L3 information from the L3 diagrams
- And many more actions I'd like to add to them.......
New version released.

We finished the new version. The main addition on this version is the full collection of icons for the diagrams. We've also added:
- Remove the dependency on mysql. Now the application doesn't use mysql as user database (check documentation to know how to migrate).
- Grid system to make it easier to align icons. By default the grid system is enabled. You can configure it or disable.
- Fix some bugs when removing floors, adding links, ...
- Now device names rotate with you so they are always looking at the camera. This makes it easier to read them.
- We will start with the autogenerated L3 diagrams based on L2 information and config of devices.
- Add lines are symbols
- Investigate how to run the application on containers
- Also, let me know what you would like to see.
New icons for diagrams.
Added new symbols for the diagrams. These can be found on branch version v0.1.
- Basic shapes like spheres, cylinders, ...
- Network symbols: cloud, atm, terminal servers, virtual routers, vxlan, mpls, ...
- Clients: users, laptops, desktops.
Next: I'll continue adding more symbols: finish, clients, then servers types and security devices.
New device basic icons and floor shapes.
I've added a few new features and fixes:
- The shapes of floors can now be changed. I've added 4 options: ground, platform, floating platform, no border.
- Reorganize the "Add Device" menu to accomodate the future increase of shapes. So now, when adding new devices, there are some categories: basic shapes, network devices, servers, clients or security devices. Within these categories, we will add different shapes to identify different type of devices.
- Basic shapes are now available. Cubes, cones, cylinders, ...
- Device shapes that are still not available will appear with question marks and if used, they will for now, be shown as cubes. As soon as these shapes are available, they will change into the right shape.
- Some improvements have been added to the GUI, like better reaction to interaction with sliders.
- Bug fixes. When changed the height of floors, some shapes were not correctly placed. When rotating a floor, connections where not correctly redrawn.
New features on our network diagrams.
Latest changes have been deployed on the app. This includes:
- Devices can now store information on vlan, svi, vrf and loopback interfaces.
- Links, can now store the interfaces they are associated with, as well as layer 2 and layer 3 information
- Some improvements onto the windowing system like description of the different fields.
- Fixed some bugs.
I will be dedicated now, for a period of time in adding new symbols to diagrams. New type of network devices, servers, security devices, ...
After that, I'll move onto the auto-generated L3 network diagram and then, support for network protocols.